It started out as a generic "it's slow" ticket because I hadn't yet grasped the slowness only happened with RAW files. I was throwing my experience out there in case it helps bring us closer to a solution for those that do have a problem. So perhaps it's some kind of issue with a specific hardware set or something. I see that some (most?) people don't have problems with 2022. If the problem isn't related to RAW files, then I would expect to see other slow downs or differences in work processes that don't involve RAW files. But it runs fine for me, and I presume that's because it's not actually working with the RAW file, but a version that's been copied into acdsee format.
I figure Edit mode is the most complex part of the software and if any part was going to be slow it would be that. That's why I mentioned the speed in Edit mode which is fine. There shouldn't be any reason for any of it to be slow. My system meets or exceeds all the hardware and software requirements. I've already tried turning that off and just about any other services I have with no impact.
I don't have Avast - just the built in Windows security. You could perhaps open a support ticket at, provide them a specific image or images, and a detailed set of steps that will consistently show a significant difference between the two versions, and see what they have to say. There are just too many variables that could affect individual installations on different PC's, and even different versions on the same PC, to be able to offer anything definitive in the way of improving the situation on your particular PC. I have U2020, but it is on an older and slower PC, and as should be expected, it's performance isn't up to that of U2021 and U2022. I'm not experiencing any performance issues with U2022 (see the example times I posted posted earlier in this thread), nor did I with U2021, which I have on the same PC. That might also apply to some other 3rd party Antivirus products. If you are by chance using Avast antivirus, it appears from this and other threads that it can have a significant effect on the performance of U2022, perhaps more so than it did on U2021 and maybe U2020. I tried disabling decode/encode plugins for any formats I didn't need, but that didn't have any impact. So it doesn't seem to be a problem with the decode for specific formats but something more general. I use Canon CR2 files myself but I downloaded sample RAW files in NEF (Nikon), ARW (Sony), and DNG formats and had the same results.

RAW in 2022 - smooth and quick after the initial load (I think this is because the file is converted to acdsee format before edits begin) RAW in 2022- slow and jerky, cannot edit in real time, I make a change to a setting then have to wait a moment to see the results This has been my experience in using 20 on the same computer and running tests on the same files:

It took me a while to figure it out, but it seems anything that requires RAW decode is slower. I upgraded to 2022 from 2020 and certain things become a lot slower. Have other users noticed this performance issue ? For the time being I have decided to keep using ACDSee 2020 since the few new features in 2022 do not justify such a big performance hit. I also ran the tests with raw files from my Sony RX100 V and noticed the same difference in performance.

Both ACDSee 20 decoded the RAW files in a similar time and once again I noticed that ACDSee 2022 was taking roughly 4 times longer to decode the same fiiles. The only setting I changed in each version of ACDSee was to disable face recognition to prevent it to hog the CPU.
To make sure there was no external factor affecting the tests I installed a trial version of ACDSee Ultimate 2020 20 on a virtual machine running an up to date fresh install of Windows 10. This is opening the same exact file from an SSD on the same computer. Raw files from my D850 that used to take around 4 seconds to decode on ACDSee 2020 now take around 15 seconds to be decoded, a 300% increase in decoding time. To test this, when I open a raw file in view mode with the "RAW Decode" option checked, ACDSee gives the load time. I think the root cause of this slow performance is that somehow the Raw decoding has gotten dramatically slower in the new version. I have initially noticed that exporting photos seemed to take a lot longer in the new version, as well as entering develop mode, as has been noted in another thread. I have seen recently upgraded from ACDSee Ultimate 2020 to 2022.